Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Wedding Cake Chronicle - Part 7

Delivery day!

I wake up feeling good.  But still nervous, the venue for the reception is 50 minutes away.  Anything can happen.

I look over the cake and think it looks pretty good. 

Time to get things ready for the delivery.  I put together the shipping boxes.  Put a clean sheet in the back of the SUV and start gathering my last minute materials.

Bows and a piping bag already filled with icing for attaching the bows.  Hopefully this is all I will need, but just in case.....extra fondant and icing, decorating comb, spatula, extra bow, shortening, gum glue, and fondant roller and cutter.

This cake is heavy!  I cannot carry it alone.  Thankfully Doug is helping.  We load the cakes in the SUV at about 11:30am.  Don't forget the camera.  And off we go!

The ride is all highway, but oh my goodness, it is BUMPY!  All I can do is watch my cake jiggle and hope that nothing happens.  I know the support system is stable but it is possible that a crack happens and part of a tier collapses.  There is a little settling of the cake but there really isn't anything I can do about it.

We arrive at the venue at about 12:30pm and I scope out the room and how we are going to get the cake to the room.  I walk into the reception room and it looks beautiful!  All white, very elegant.  I find someone and ask which table is mine.  She points to this very small table right in front of the wedding party table almost in the center of the room.  I say "I don't think that is going to work, I have three cakes"  She looks confused but proceeds to find a larger table for me. 

We have two choices for bringing the cake to the room,  a long sloping ramp or a large set of stairs.  Doug feels he can carry the cake up the stairs, so stairs it is.  We grab a cart and head outside to get the cake.

I don't know if you noticed what I wrote above...the cake table was almost in the center of the room!  Of the four wedding cakes I have done I have never had a cake in the center of the room.  I feel a little nervous because the cakes definitely have a back side.  And this is the side that is facing the bride and the groom!  Had I know this was going to be the layout, I would have placed bows on both sides of the cakes.  But I don't have enough fondant available or extra bows to do this at this time.  Note to self:  ask where the cake will be displayed, even for party cakes.

We set up the three cakes on the larger table and I attach the bows.  I step back and think the overall presentation is beautiful.  I am happy.  Here it is....

My part is done.  We stay in the area for lunch and some shopping.  I keep checking my phone for messages until the 4pm reception time just in case something happened.  No calls, all I can do now is wait for feedback from the bride and groom. 

Best Wishes Tony and Lindsay!

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